
Program Sarjana merupakan program pendidikan Jenjang S1 yang dapat dijadikan pilihan awal bagi siswa yang telah menyelesaikan studi di sekolah menengah atas. Dengan beban 144 – 146 SKS, program studi ini dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 8 semester.



The Postgraduate Program is an educational program for undergraduate graduates to continue their education at the Master's level to obtain a master's degree and at the Doctoral level to obtain a doctoral degree.



The Doctoral Program is a strata 3 (S3) education program aimed at obtaining a doctoral academic degree as the highest academic degree.



Program Sarjana merupakan program pendidikan Jenjang S1 yang dapat dijadikan pilihan awal bagi siswa yang telah menyelesaikan studi di sekolah menengah atas. Dengan beban 144 – 146 SKS, program studi ini dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 8 semester.




The Postgraduate Program is an educational program for undergraduate graduates to continue their education at the Master's level to obtain a master's degree and at the Doctoral level to obtain a doctoral degree.



The Doctoral Program is a strata 3 (S3) education program aimed at obtaining a doctoral academic degree as the highest academic degree.



Study Program

Guru Besar

International MOU


Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register online?

Please create a registration account via the following link

What if my school is not listed on the school list on the online registration form?

Please contact Dumin via WhatsApp below 0812-2529-6005

Bagaimana jika saya lupa password?

Please contact Dumin via WhatsApp below 0812-2529-6005

How do I edit my registration data?

As long as the registration data has not been validated, you can still edit the registration data via your registration account. If validation has been carried out and there are errors so you want to change it, please contact Dumin to unvalidate it so you can edit it again.

Bagaimana jika terjadi kegagalan saat menyimpan formulir pendaftaran?

Make sure the data entered is correct and don't leave any blank data. If it is empty, fill it with a dash (-)

Bagaimana jika saya ingin mengundurkan diri?

Untuk informasi pengunduran diri silahkan bisa klik link berikut 

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